Flutter State Management for Beginner
Flutter has no built-in support for managing state, but there are several packages available that make this easier. Provider is a State Management package that is Recommended by Flutter Developer Team. We'll take a look at it and see how it can help you to manage states in our app with a simple example of flutter counter app. In this article, we will learn how to use Provider in Flutter.
Flutter Best State Management Package
Flutter offers a number of packages like GetX, BloC etc for State Management. Here is a list of most Popular Packages for managing States in Flutter.
- GetX (aka Get)
- Provider.
- Flutter BloC.
- Riverpod.
- Get It.
- Mobx.
- Recap.
But there's one package that makes it easy to use the state management system and developers also recommend it. Here comes flutter provider.
Why State Management?
We know that everything in Flutter is a widget. They are connected with each other like a tree. Without managing state in your app, all widget get rebuild every time the states changes. So, The State management is a common problem in Flutter apps. Flutter is built on top of a single-threaded engine, so it's important to keep the main thread free from any stateful logic. This can be difficult since you may need to track changes in your app's model across different parts of your program.
As a result, a lot of time and effort goes into writing boilerplate code that deals with state management and navigation. This can be quite frustrating for a beginner who wants to get started with Flutter but does not have any experience with managing state in an application.
Why Use Provider?
Flutter has amazing features like Dart language, cross-platform code sharing, and rich widget catalogs.
But, one of the major challenges in using Flutter is managing state of the application.
Providers provide a solution for this problem by providing an easy way to manage state in your application without having to worry about boilerplate code or navigation logic.
How provider Works
Here is a drawing of How provider work process.
Provider is one such package that lets you store and retrieve shared data across multiple widgets in an easy way without rebuilding whole app.
In this Article, we discussed about why state management is important and what is the best state management package for flutter. This series begin to make your provider concept clear. Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned , we will get something new about flutter every day. Thank You