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120+ Project Ideas and Resources for Web Developers

120+ Project Ideas

Good project ideas are essential for keeping your developer skills sharp, building a portfolio and bringing in some extra cash. If you're a beginner, start with the first section. You'll be able to find some good project ideas that are easy enough to do on your own or with help from other people in your network.

Once you've done a few projects, move on to the intermediate section where I share some more advanced project ideas that will help you build a portfolio and get into the market faster.

If you're a beginner developer, then this section is for you! I'll share some crazy project ideas that will test your skills and help you to improve in many ways.

Pro tips For beginners:

  1. Create your own website with a personal blog, portfolio or ecommerce store.
  2. Build a landing page and  add 3rd party plugins animations.
  3. Create a simple HTML email template that you can use in the future for your business.
  4. Build a basic WordPress website using their online platform, but make sure you have a hosting account before starting this project so that you can easily upload it once it's done!
  5. Create a static website and host it on GitHub pages for free!

Project Resource For All:

  • App Ideas by Florin Pop It has a list of almost 80 web app ideas ranging from beginner level to expert level, the project is no longer maintained but you also check out the open issues/pull requests for more app ideas!
  • 100 Javascript Projects You spend more time thinking about new project ideas than you should. We’ve all been there, whether you try to come up with something to practice a skill, challenge a candidate in an interview, or build the next billion-dollar app, we’ve all spent some time thinking about project ideas.
  • App Ideas by Flavio It has a list of simple app ideas ranging from beginner to intermediate, check it out.
  • Frontend Mentor Challenges Frontend Mentor has a lot of free challenges available for beginners to experts which you can build as projects.
  • CodeDamn Projects A library of different projects to make ranging from easy to hard
  • App Ideas by JSBeginners It has a list of 100+ simple JavaScript ideas for beginners only and it's well structured.
  • r/AppIdea This is a subreddit dedicated to posting different app ideas ranging from beginner to expert, scroll through the posts, you might just find your next app idea there!
  • GitHub GitHub has millions of projects made by different users saved as repositories, you just need to find them.


You cannot learn everything in one day. You have to improve your skills day by day. Developer brain is too lazy to improve their skills. That's why you have to practice something new every day. Here we share some ideas and resource for you to improve your developing skills. Don't forget to share with your developer friends. 
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