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Flutter Tutorials for Beginners Step by Step


Flutter is an open-source framework that makes it possible to build native Android and iOS applications from a single codebase. Though Flutter has only been in development since 2015, it has gained popularity quickly. Here's a breakdown of what makes Flutter so exciting. Flutter is a new tool in the platform, but it is getting more and more attention because it can be used as a cross-platform framework to target all of the major platforms in use today.

Flutter Basics

The Flutter framework is based on the core concept of ‘everything is a widget'. Widgets are nothing but the building blocks of the Flutter app. We have a bunch of widgets that come with flutter. Flutter’s widgets incorporate all critical platform differences such as scrolling, navigation, icons and fonts to provide full native performance on both ios and Android.

In this tutorial series, we will learn about various widgets in details.

We are starting from basic widgets and how to use theme and where to use theme. which give a clear concept all about flutter widgets.

Material App:

Material App is the father of All widget's. If you think your flutter app like a tree, material widget is the root of this tree. Here is a drawing for material app and it's sub widgets and how they related with each other. I am here just clearing concept for widgets in flutter, If you are an expert, you can skip this tutorial.


Scaffold is the Mother of All widgets used in Flutter. It has three main sub widgets, such as-
  • appBar
  • body
  • bottomTab
  • floatingActionButton
In this visual image , I am representing this way.


Container is like a box that can contain a widget. In above image you see the the body widget, it can contain a container and container can contain a child. Here is the code for container.

margin: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
color: Colors.amber[600],
width: 48.0,
height: 48.0,

Row & Column

Column is a widget that displays it's children's in a vertical arrays. That's means it can contain multiple children widgets in it. Here in scaffold body, we are using column.

body: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
SizedBox(width : double.infinity),
TextButton(onPressed: (){}, child: Text('please'),),
TextButton(onPressed: (){}, child: Text('center'),)
This two new word Main Axis and Cross Axis is important for aligning item's inside Column or Row. Column and Rows are almost same , you can replace column with row. Here is a visualization of this two things and their differences between Column and Row.

Flutter Row Column and Axis


Another important widget is the button. There are many kinds of button in flutter. Types of flutter Button

Text Button: Text Button display the text without any decoration and elevation i.e displays the plain text only by default. But we can provide style to buttons and text using color, textcolor and other many attributes. The text button has two required properties that are : child, onpressed.

Elevated Button: Elevated button is a filled material design button with a shadow . It it has an elevation that will increases when the button is pressed. It adds dimension to the UI along Z-axis. It has two required properties that are: onpressed, child.

Outline Button: Outline Button is similar to the flat button with a border outline. By default the border is a one pixel wide grey rounded rectangle that does not change when the button is pressed or disabled. Button background is also transparent by default.

Floating Action Button: Floating action buttons are most commonly used in Scaffold widget. It is a circular icon button that hovers over content to promote a primary action in the application.

Icon Button: Icon Button simply display touchable icon that triggered actions when clicked.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class ButtonPage extends StatefulWidget {
const ButtonPageundefined{Key? key}) : superundefinedkey: key);

State<ButtonPage> createStateundefined) => _ButtonPageStateundefined);

class _ButtonPageState extends State<ButtonPage> {
Widget buildundefinedBuildContext context) {
TextStyle textStyle =
const TextStyleundefinedfontSize: 16.0, fontWeight: FontWeight.w800);
return Scaffoldundefined
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButtonundefined
onPressed: undefined) {},
child: const IconundefinedIcons.add),
body: Containerundefined
margin: const EdgeInsets.allundefined100.0),
child: Columnundefined
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
"This is text Button.",
style: textStyle,
TextButtonundefinedonPressed: undefined) {}, child: const Textundefined"TextButton")),
"This is Elevated Button.",
style: textStyle,
const SizedBoxundefined
height: 10.0,
onPressed: undefined) {}, child: const Textundefined"ElevatedButton")),
const SizedBoxundefined
height: 10.0,
"This is Outline Button.",
style: textStyle,
const SizedBoxundefined
height: 10.0,
onPressed: undefined) {}, child: const Textundefined"Outline Button")),

const SizedBoxundefined
height: 10.0,
"This is icon Button. When we pressed this share icon,it performs an actions.",
style: textStyle,
onPressed: undefined) {},
icon: const Iconundefined
color: Colors.green,
size: 30.0,


Text Widget

Displaying text is important in App. To display text , you have to use text widgets. Here is a sample code $ is  variable and it's used in text. 

'Hello, $_name! How are you?',
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),


A widget that displays an image. The following image formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, GIF, Animated GIF, WebP, Animated WebP, BMP, and WBMP. Additional formats may be supported by the underlying platform. Flutter will attempt to call platform API to decode unrecognized formats, and if the platform API supports decoding the image Flutter will be able to render it.

const Image(
image: NetworkImage('https://flutter.github.io/assets-for-api-docs/assets/widgets/owl.jpg'),

Flutter Icons 

There is a icon library in flutter called Material Icons. Here is a demo of Flutter Icons in a Row.They are not interactive. For an interactive icon, consider material's IconButton which shown above.

mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
children: const <Widget>[
color: Colors.pink,
size: 24.0,
semanticLabel: 'Text to announce in accessibility modes',
color: Colors.green,
size: 30.0,
color: Colors.blue,
size: 36.0,


This is a complete guide of Basic Flutter widgets. Widget is the most important concept in Flutter. It is a base class for all UI elements in Flutter. Widgets are used to build layouts and custom components.

Widgets are the building blocks of any Flutter application. Each widget has a specific purpose, such as displaying text or an image, providing a button or handling gestures like swipes and pinches. They can also be combined with one another to form complex user interfaces (UIs).

Flutter comes with many built-in widgets, but you can also create your own using custom widgets. In the next series , we will discuss about it. Thank you for reading ,Comment if you face any problem.  Share it with your developer friend. Because sharing is caring..

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